Monday, February 2, 2009

Talking to auto men...

Huda and I (Pushpi) had an interesting afternoon talking to a few auto men that we could find. Our first auto driver was a man named Raju. We told him that we were doing a photography course and would he mind if we took a picture of him in his auto and if he liked we would print the picture and give it to him the following day. It turned out that he's not from here but had come with someone all the way from JP nagar which is in aouth Bangalore. We took a picture anyway and while walking away I heard him tell another auto driver next to him that their bill by now would've eadily gone up to 300 rupees since they were waiting for their passengers to come.

We then walked up to the auto stand opposite Sharavati and saw a long line of autos but no drivers except one. We tried telling this man the same thing about us and whether we could take a picture of him with his auto. He pretended to not understand anything we were saying as we were talking in hindi and kept shaking his head. We gave up after 10 minutes or so as he was clearly not interested and all teh other drivers had gonr for their lunch break!

I then took an auto home from the road opposite reliance fresh. The guy charged me 40 rupees till Heritage which is the standard rate from there. On reaching the gate i asked him if i could take his picture with his auto. He agreed and even told me what angle to take it from! He also told me to take his number and call him whenever I needed an auto. He seemed nice enough. His name is Pramod.

By Pushpi and Huda

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